Bernard Reynolds – Gull Head
Bernard Reynolds was a sculptor, draughtsman, print maker who was born in Norwich where he studied at the School of Art. He also attended Westminster School of Art from 1932 to 1937. He taught sculpture at Suffolk College. His art subjects are wide ranging from children portraits to abstract distorted figures, the nude being a constant theme of his drawings over 50 years. A survey of his work was shown at Chappel Galleries in 1991. He was a fellow of the Royal Society of British Sculptors and lived in Barham, Suffolk.
He exhibited at the Royal Academy and leading London Galleries as well as provincial ones.
He was a founding member of the Norwich Twenty Group, a member of the Colchester Art Society and president of the Ipswich Art Society. His sculptural work can be seen today in Ipswich with the Ship Fountain on Civic Drive roundabout and the Triple Mycomorph sculpture in Christchurch park.
‘The Sculptor Bernard Reynolds’
by Gwynneth Reynolds and Pat Hurrell: Sansom & Company
Evelyne Bell